7 Great Ways to Embark on an Extended Stay

While many people like to experience as much as they can on a vacation, traveling from place to place like a whirling dervish, there is an advantage to slowing things down and embracing the beauty of an extended stay. Extending your visit by weeks or even months, gives you more time to relax and avoid… Continue reading 7 Great Ways to Embark on an Extended Stay

Florida Road Trippin’: Exploring the Sunshine State’s Best Destinations

This blog on Florida Road Tripping has been provided, courtesy of guest blogger, Jarno. If you are on a USA guided tour and road-tripping suddenly seems like a good idea, then head over to Florida for the best experience. Given the state’s immense land area, it comes as no surprise that Florida is a treasure… Continue reading Florida Road Trippin’: Exploring the Sunshine State’s Best Destinations