5 Genius Ways To Make Your Next Camping Trip More Glamorous (Or At Least More Comfortable)

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Sleeping on the rough, damp ground with the cold wind whipping around you and the sound of wild animals in the distance, not your thing? Well, camping just got glamorous, or at the least a little more comfortable. Read on to find equipment that will make your next U.S. camping trip a delight.

camping bell tent

Image found at Pexels – Licence CC0

Bell tent

Reminiscent of a Yurt, investing in a bell tent for your next camping trip will provide you with all sorts of benefits. Probably the most important one is the additional space you will get. In fact, bell tents feel less like a tent and more like a temporary structure. They are also super fast to put up, robust in all types of weather, and fireproof.  If you buy a cotton canvas variety you can even use a wood-burning stove inside.

Portable log burner

While we are on the subject of wood-burning stoves, did you know you can now get portable ones that are easy to pack up and take with you on your next trip? The great thing about log burners is that they are much more efficient than an open fire (not to mention safer), which means you get to stay toasty and warm for much longer with a minimal amount of wood.

Tree hammock

Is there anything more luxurious than spending a night or two sleeping suspended in your very own tree hammock? Safe and warm off the ground, and protected from any wild animals, sleeping in a hammock strung between the boughs of two trees is a unique experience that can really add the wow factor to your trip.

Camping coffee pots

For many of us, coffee is not a luxury but a necessity, and the idea of sipping on a cup of watery instant is quite disappointing. The good news is you can easily up your camping coffee game by investing in a specialty-designed maker.

In fact, with a campsite coffee maker, you can ensure you get a cup of java that is just as good as the one you would have each morning at home. You’ll soon be raring-to-go for the adventures and hikes you have planned for the day.

Portable battery charger

While some folks like to switch off completely when they go camping, most of us want to be able to access our mobile devices such as phones and tablets while we are away. Indeed, there are some very good arguments for being able to use our cell phones when out in the wilderness including having a way to contact authorities in an emergency as well as a way to track location.

However, if you want to use such devices for the duration of your trip, you will need a portable battery charger that you can plug into for a recharge. You can even use this device for other purposes too, such as powering an electric cooking ring to make your fireside feasts that much easier.

Self-inflating air beds

Air beds are a great way to make any camping trip more comfortable. But did you know they come in self-inflating varieties now? That’s right, all you need to do is unroll your sleeping mat,  triggering the inflation mechanism, and you’ll have a soft and comfortable base on which to dream the night away in seconds.